Skye Dance and Fitness was created over 20 years ago, when the demand for quality fitness at affordable prices was formed. Introducing Fitness to the local community.
Wembley was the first location to be launched in where attendees where we saw over 40 people a class attend. Members achieving fantastic weight loss achievements. A few years later Skye’s Dance academy was created. Giving Children a first class dancing experience. Working with numerous schools and charities such as Homestart Brent.
The head coach Rhian, has gone on to win a Brent Community Champion award, Represented Zumba Fitness on their infomercial and QVC UK for Zumba Fitness. As well as being nominated for numerous awards, she was also a round 2 nominee for the Lloyds bank carry the Olympic torch.
Rhian’s achievements are outstanding, however she is just as humble. As she says I just want everyone to try a class and feel some sort of release from the hustle and bustle of their day.
Rhian is a IDTA (International Dance Teachers Association) Dace teacher and Trainer. A level 4 Personal Trainer, GP Referral Specialist, Sports Massage Therapist. As well as a Children’s Sports Coach, a fitness instructor who is ETM (exercise to Music) Trained, in PIYO Live, Insanity Live, ABAE (Amateur Boxing Association England) BOX trained, Zumba Fitness – Sentao, Tonining, Gold, Zumba Kids, Zumba kids Jr, strong by zumba. Boogie Bounce, Clubbercise, and the creater of her own brand workouts sucks as JUKXS – Socareobics, SkyeBandzs, SkyeBootcamp, Boxing Bootcamp. To name a few.
Having worked with numerous charity’s, organisations and schools, bringing Dance and Fitness to them. Even during Lockdown, providing online sessions, brought joy to the masses who became start of the #SkyeCrew
why not become the newest member of the team.